People generally ask me .......... so whats the special plan for the birthday..... I know normally the answer to that question is presents, new clothes, going out to movies, parties, lunches, dinners, restaurants and all ......
But personally the best part about birthdays for me has always been the countless good wishes and blessings that I get from near and dear ones who without fail, remember this day and wish me ..... Making it so special for me......
Each and every wish and blessing is truly treasured as it comes straight from heart...
Family and friends scattered in different parts of the globe make it a point to remember and call me on my each and every birthday.... Even people I felt had drifted apart, who I was not in contact with on regular basis also make it a point of wishing on birthdays....
I know that its important to connect and stay in touch with everyone...... But seriously, we lead such a fast paced life and are so caught up on our daily routines that at times its not possible to stay in contact........Its occasions like these when we get connected again and its actually because of occasions like these that we stay connected ..........
Just the fact that one has taken an effort to remember an important date/milestone is someone else's life makes one feel special.... After all isn't that what makes the day special.........
After all birthdays are not always special because of the restaurants , the cuisine , the party or the trip that one took on one's birthday....... Its about the people who were present or people who wished or people who called......
Sometimes, its a distant cousin or relative or an ex-colleague who suddenly remembers your birthday and calls and makes your day.......A good friend whom you haven't spoken in a really long time or a sister who stays continents apart but who you are sure will remember your birthday and call you and have a great conversation.........
Memories of my birthday are always the phone calls....... My phone is always ringing and always busy....... There is a standing joke in the family that even the President would not be getting as many calls......
So what are your favourite memories of your birthday..........are they about the dress that you wore or the food that you eat or the shopping that you did.......or was it the friend who called and made your day.....