Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Finding Your Own Rainbow

In my series of optimistic and thought  provoking blogs, the next one talks about finding your own bit of Rainbow even when the clouds are dark and grey (the weather has been acting strange lately and we are experiencing all seasons in a single day here in India)
Have you ever wondered why the sight of rainbows make us happy?
It's just a thought that things are happy and good in the world and we have something to look forward to..
similarly we need to find that rainbow within us..That particular happy spot within whenever we are feeling low or faced with any obstacles or challenges in life, personally or professionally and we don't see any ray of hope.. dig deep within and you shall seek your own happy spot your own rainbow from where you can draw strength and courage to face and overcome the odds and obstacles in your life...

Always remember that every dark cloud has silver lining and there is daybreak after every dark night...

So channelize within your inner self and draw out your Rainbow or happy place and let it give you Hope and Strength to face and overcome

Sending positive vibes your way ...
Picture credit to my Best Friend Devayani who is like a Rainbow to me 😃

Sunday, October 8, 2017

The Power of Optimism and Positivity

I know that in today's highly stressful and difficult times and with the kind of lifestyles we lead, we all do need moral support and some boost to overcome any crisis or obstacles that we may face..

So generally, whenever we are faced with some crisis or at any odds in our personal or professional lives, we tend to give in to our basic instinct which is,mostly for many if not for all of us, self doubt and negativity.....because we are humans at the end of the day and we may feel weak or vulnerable at times and pressure does tend to get to us....

I say not all because there are some  of us who face obstacles and difficult times positively...with tenacity and will power and we wonder how do they do that...is it because they are stronger than us or what?

I think the secret is that those people have channelized their inner strength and positivity and we need to do the same..
The most important point to be remembered is that Each and everyone of us is strong within but it is we who need to find that inner strength to overcome the obstacles...
We need to channelize the inner positivity and optimism inside us and tap it out for it to shine through because remember You are your best support and only You are capable of pulling yourself through in dark times...isn't it true?

We must always remember that Faith, Belief and Hope are true fundamentals in our life...

We must have faith and belief in the God Almighty, our spiritual Gurus, our family and friends, our close ones who envelope us with their love, blessings and prayers and act as our shield against difficult situations....

Remember it's always important to be surrounded by positive thinking people..they will boost you in your difficult times whereas if you are surrounded by negative people they will pull you down even further so be careful whom you choose to keep company..but that shall be for another post 😁

Our own Will power and self confidence will overcome all odds and obstacles is something that each one of us must believe it and then see the difference it does.. obstacles will come and go but we must not lose our Faith, Belief and Hope

It's something that each one of us has within us so we don't need to worry..
It's just the matter of discovering it and channelizing it for good use...

So on this optimism and positive note, let us be happy and thankful for what we have and pray for Happiness and Good Health in all our lives....Pray to channelize the power within...

The optimism works wonders...

Try it to experience it and write back if you would like to share any of your personal experiences..I will be happy to hear them